What Causes Low Back Pain?

Low back pain can be a result of several things. The spine is very complex with many muscles, nerves, ligaments, and joints. Pain can remain in the low back or can refer down the leg. This is know is radiculopathy. Some causes can include:

  • muscle strain
  • ligament sprain
  • bulging disk
  • stenosis
  • pinched nerve
  • leg length differences
  • foot, knee, or hip pain
  • spondylolisthesis
  • traumatic accident
  • recent surgery
  • neurological diagnosis
  • kidney irritation

Low Back Pain Treatment

As with all injuries, early treatment is key! At PT2Go, we address the cause of your pain.

  • What is contributing to your low back pain?
  • What factors put you at an increased risk of injury?
  • What muscle strength and flexibility characteristics are preventing it from healing?
  • How do we prevent this from happening again?

Treatment plans are individualize to you, your activity level, and what you want to get back to doing. PT2Go is a small, local, private practice. We are not associated with a major hospital system, owned by a physicians group, or a large franchise. These factors limit treatment effectiveness. Our focus is you!

Call, email, or message today to set up your appointment. No referral is needed!


Low Back Pain treatment at PT2Go Physical Therapy in Virginia Beach, VA and Moyock NC

Eighty percent of people will experience low back pain at some point in their lives!